Kinderopvang en peuterspeelzaal

Extracurricular Care Zaandam

Looking for an out-of-school care for your child(ren) in Zaandam? Freekids has several locations where your child is taken care of in a professional manner. Freekids after-school care is for children aged 4 to 12. We offer pleasant and professional care in your neighborhood. In the Zaan region your child can attend a BSO.

In the hours before and after your child(ren)'s school hours, we provide a pleasant stay for your child. Our professionals naturally respond to the age and development level. We know better than anyone that each phase requires a specific approach. We take this into account and this is our strength, because every child gets the personal attention it deserves.

Out-of-school benefits

Your son and/or daughter can choose what they want to do. Playing outside, sports, crafts, reading or playing a game are among the possibilities. Numerous activities are offered. Your son and/or daughter is always surrounded by peers.

We find it very important that your child can relax at Freekids, feel at home but most of all feel safe. A challenging and enjoyable environment creates a homely atmosphere at the daycare center. From this environment the children can develop, play together and have fun!

For you, the Freekids out-of-school care also brings advantages. You can rest assured that your child will be well taken care of before and after a school day. You may still have to work when your child is out of school. Freekids offers an excellent solution for this by means of after-school care. Your child is welcome to join us during off school hours, vacations and school-free days.

More information? Get in touch!

Are you interested in Freekids out-of-school care in the Zaandam area, or would you like to know more? Please feel free to contact us or drop by one of our locations! Then you and your child can taste the atmosphere right away. You can also register your child directly online.

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