Kinderopvang en peuterspeelzaal

Types of daycare

Freekids has been a household name in the Zaan region for years. Pleasant and professional child care in your neighborhood, that's what we stand for!

At more than 25 locations from Zaandam to Assendelft, we offer childcare, preschool, before- and after-school care. Read more about the care you are looking for:

Kinderopvang assendelft
0-4 years


For the youngest children aged 0-4, we offer child care at several locations in Zaanstad.

Toddler play
2-4 years

Toddler play

At Freekids Peuterspelen, toddlers ages 2 to 4 can play and learn in a familiar environment.

Extracurricular care
4-13 years


Freekids out-of-school care is for children ages 4 to 13.

Flexible care
0-13 years

Flexible care

We offer flexible care if you wish to take extra days outside the fixed days.

What do we stand for?

From our hearts and with passion, we provide professional care and education for children every day within a secure and familiar environment.


For children, parents, staff and partners.


Consultation, listening, curiosity and understanding.


Respect to parents, children and staff.


Experience, discover and challenge.


Ensuring emotional and physical safety.