Kinderopvang en peuterspeelzaal

Op zoek naar een kinderopvang in Zaandam?

Are you looking for a childcare facility/nursery in Zaandam? And are you about to hand over the emotional and physical safety of your child? Then don't worry! You can leave your child to us with peace of mind.

De professionals van kinderopvang Freekids in Zaandam werken namelijk volgens de vier pedagogische doelen. Deze bestaan onder meer uit de emotionele en fysieke veiligheid van uw kind. In combinatie met de sociale ontwikkeling van uw kind streven wij er te allen tijde naar om deze te waarborgen.

This happens in a homely atmosphere where children from 0 to 4 years old are given the space to develop, play together and have lots of fun.

Freekids is attentive to your child

De pedagogisch medewerkers van onze kinderopvang in Zaandam profileren zich als aandachtsvol. Persoonlijke aandacht staat bij ons dan ook centraal.

The pedagogical staff keeps a close eye on your child and takes into account the developmental stage your child is in. Needs can be consulted.

Regardless, we provide diapers and (baby) food and the food products are based on our Healthy Child Care policy.

Kinderopvang Dotterbloem in Zaandam

At the Dotterbloem in Zaandam you will find an environment designed to help your child learn to develop through play. We also have more locations. Curious about all our locations?

Photo of location Dotterbloem in Zaandam
Location Dotterbloem in Zaandam

The transition from child care in Zaandam to elementary school and out-of-school care is additionally facilitated by the opportunity we offer to move on to Freekids Junior.

This is a toddler plus group for children aged 3 to 4 years. Here the children are properly prepared to make the transition to both elementary school and out-of-school care.

Want to know more? Then get in touch with us!

Would you like more information about Freekids? Then feel free to contact us! You can do so by filling in the contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions and get back to you as soon as possible!

You can also visit us to get a taste of the atmosphere.