De PionierDe Pionier

De Pionier

Want to let your child get used to going to school? Freekids preschool location De Pionier has everything to fully prepare your child for elementary school! We have a special educational program that allows your child to develop social skills through play. Your child will have the opportunity to do arts and crafts and of course a lot of exercise. Kindergarten the Pionier is the best kindergarten in Wormerveer and surroundings!

Toddler play

Freekids preschool the Pionier is aimed at toddlers aged 2 to 4. You can make use of our care on fixed parts of the week. We teach toddlers social skills in a playful and educational manner. Our toddler care is also in coordinationwith the teachers of the elementary school of the same name. This also ensures that your child can quickly integrate into his or her new classroom. We ensure that your child is transferred to the appropriate teacher in a thorough manner. We do this when your child turns 4.

Peuteropvang de Pionier is located in OBS de pionier in the northern part of Wormerveer. Every child is welcome, together we learn from each other. Freekids the Pionier clearly goes along with this thought.

Out-of-school care (BSO).

Our out-of-school care (BSO) in Wormerveer full of inspiring and challenging activities is aimed at school children aged 4-13. Before and after school we are ready for you with an awesome sports, games and play program. At Freekids BSO you are at ease and can relax with peers.

The children of elementary school the Pionier are cared for at BSO Freekids de Mei.

Opening hours

- Peuterspelen: maandag tot en met vrijdag van 8:30 uur tot en met 12:30 uur
- Naschoolse opvang: maandag tot en met vrijdag van einde schooltijd tot 18:30 uur bij Freekids de Mei
- Vakantieopvang wordt aangeboden bij Freekids Assendelft XL: van maandag tot en met vrijdag van 8.00- 18.30 uur (op aanvraag is vanaf 7:00 uur mogelijk)

Affiliated schools

Freekids de Pionier is located at OBS de Pionier in Wormerveer.

Got curious?

We would love to meet you! You can request a no-obligation tour directly here, of course you can always contact the location or the Front Office(, 075 - 640 92 23).

Point of Contact: Danielle Appeldoorn
Cluster Manager: Diana Bouwman

Reports and registration

Inspectierapport Peuterspelen
Inspectierapport BSO
Registratienummer Landelijk Register (LRKP): 205458440

Pedagogical policy
Site plans
Years of experience
Meet our staff

What do we stand for?

You can hold us to these core values.


For children, parents, staff and partners.


Consultation, listening, curiosity and understanding.


Respect to parents, children and staff.


Experience, discover and challenge.


Ensuring emotional and physical safety.