Kinderopvang AssendelftKinderopvang Assendelft

Kinderopvang Assendelft

Are you looking for a fun and professional daycare that focuses on both caring for and educating your child? Visit us and experience for yourself the safe and also stimulating environment of our care!

Kinderopvang in Assendelft

For the youngest children aged 0-4, we offer child care in a homelike atmosphere. This is because in this environment the children have space to develop themselves, play together and have lots of fun. Our qualified staff also ensures that children have the opportunity to develop their personal competencies. In addition, the development of social competencies is highly encouraged. Among other things, our experienced pedagogical staff teach children how to play together in an enjoyable way and how to get to know others.

Freekids Kinderopvang Assendelft, together with Freekids Assendelft XL, is located at the beginning of Assendelft, near new housing estate Kreekrijk. This facility is spacious, has bright classrooms and a nice playroom. Within the daycare center, each group has different play corners with developmental and experiential materials. We also have a fenced outdoor area where children can play, climb and ride bikes to their heart's content. The outdoor area includes a baby patio, slide and sandbox. At this location we offer child care from 0 to 13 years under one roof!

Kinderopvang Assendelft currently has two baby groups from 0 to 2 years of up to 12 children. In addition, we have two toddler groups from 2 to 4 years, a toddler group of up to 8 children and a toddler group of up to 16 children.

Opening hours

Nursery: Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:30 pm.

Got curious?

We would love to meet you! You can request a free tour directly here, of course you can always contact the location or the Front Office(, 075 - 640 92 23).

Werken bij Freekids?
Ben je enthousiast over onze werkwijze en lijkt het je leuk om bij ons te werken? Bekijk dan hier onze openstaande vacatures.

Locatiemanager: Diana Bouwman
Clustermanager: Monique van Dam

Reports and registration

Inspection Report KDV GGD
Registration number National Register (LRKP): 789383913

Site plans
Years of experience
Meet our staff

What do we stand for?

You can hold us to these core values.


For children, parents, staff and partners.


Consultation, listening, curiosity and understanding.


Respect to parents, children and staff.


Experience, discover and challenge.


Ensuring emotional and physical safety.