Are you looking for good, solid child care in Zaandijk? Then you have come to the right place at Freekids Okido. For the youngest children from 0-4 years we offer child care in a homely and warm atmosphere. In this environment the children have the space to develop themselves, play together and have lots of fun.
Freekids Okido has been a household name in Zaandijk for years and is located on the Lagedijk. A close team of staff that has been working together for over 10 years is ready to make it a pleasant time for you and your child. In addition, Okido has a very spacious outdoor playground for the children to enjoy every day.
Freekids stands for the professional care and education of children. Indeed, we strive to provide a challenging and safe environment focused on your child's personal development. Moreover, the child care takes place in groups and is performed only by competent professionals who skillfully practice their craft.
- Nursery: Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:30 pm.
Wij ontmoeten je graag! Je kunt hier direct een vrijblijvende rondleiding aanvragen bij onze kinderopvang, uiteraard kun je ook altijd contact opnemen met de locatie of met de Frontoffice (, 075 – 640 92 23).
Werken bij Freekids?
Ben je enthousiast over onze werkwijze en lijkt het je leuk om bij ons te werken? Bekijk dan hier onze openstaande vacatures.
Assistent leidinggevende: Wilga Maijer
Clustermanager: Monique van Dam
Inspection Report GGD
Registration number National Register (LRKP): 118387054
You can hold us to these core values.
For children, parents, staff and partners.
Consultation, listening, curiosity and understanding.
Respect to parents, children and staff.
Experience, discover and challenge.
Ensuring emotional and physical safety.