The sportiest BSO in Zaanstad! Freekids Outdoor is located on the complex of korfball club KZ. At this location Freekids offers the full BSO sports package! That means we can provide the children with a sports meal before training and of course bring them to training at the surrounding sports clubs.
Freekids Outdoor is the sportiest BSO in Zaanstad. On vacations or study days children can come to our after-school care center for whole days. There is also the possibility to accommodate children exclusively during the vacations.
The emphasis at this location is on exercise. Sports can be done both outside on the large artificial turf field and inside in the completely new top sports hall. Under the guidance of (pedagogical) sports instructors, the children participate in various sports and outdoor activities, but of course it is also possible to do crafts or just quietly read a book.
We serve several schools in Zaanstad. We also offer various care packages so that parents have a flexible way to combine family and work. To look at childcare options, you can always contact the Front Office. They are happy to look at all care options together.
We summarize the benefits of Freekids Outdoor:
- Sports and exercise every day after school
- Free transportation from various elementary schools in Zaanstad
- Special sporting vacation offerings
- Bring options to training at surrounding sports clubs
- A sports meal before training
- Guidance from educational staff with a sports background
- BSO Outdoor: Monday through Friday, from the end of school until 18:30.
- Vacation care: Monday through Friday, from 8:00am-6:30pm (on request, starting at 7:00am is possible).
Freekids Outdoor has its own BSO bus, Freekids cars and cabs with which we can pick up children from school. The schools we pick up children from are:
- Breakwater
- De Watermolen
- De Werf
- Lindenboom
- De Schatrijk
- De Zoeker
Wij ontmoeten je graag! Je kunt hier direct een vrijblijvende rondleiding aanvragen, uiteraard kun je ook altijd contact opnemen met de locatie of met de Frontoffice (, 075 – 640 92 23)
Werken bij Freekids?
Ben je enthousiast over onze werkwijze en lijkt het je leuk om bij ons te werken? Bekijk dan hier onze openstaande vacatures.
Locatiemanager: Gaby Pelgrim
Clustermanager: Alicia van Oostveen
Inspection Report BSO
Registration number National Register (LRKP): 939188430
You can hold us to these core values.
For children, parents, staff and partners.
Consultation, listening, curiosity and understanding.
Respect to parents, children and staff.
Experience, discover and challenge.
Ensuring emotional and physical safety.